What could be more fun than an afternoon with girlfriends, sipping tea, getting caught up on what everyone is planning for the holidays and swapping cookies? Our cookie swap printables have all of the elements that you need to host a party this holiday season.
Send out the invitations. You may want to email your guests in advance to get an idea of who is available. Follow up by sending everyone an invitation and recipe card. Mail them out or hand deliver them tucked into a red and white chevron paper bag. Let guests know what to do with the recipe cards and how many cookies to bake.
Create a sweet table. Use cake stands, plates, platters and colourful boxes to present sample cookies. Add display cards from the printable party kit. Your sweet table should also contain beverages and snack foods. Include some healthy food options such as fresh veggies and fruit.
Note: Set up a separate table for all of the cookies that will be traded.
Setting up a sweet table does not have to be complicated. Use cake stands, serving dishes, boxes and display pieces in red, white and tiffany blue to match the invitations. Large chalkboards make a great backdrop and can be placed on the table with a welcoming message.
How to make the DIY paper straw vase: Place an elastic band around the centre of a glass jar or vase. Slip paper straws between the elastic band and glass container until the glass is completely covered. You will need almost fifty straws to cover a 32oz mason jar. Tie a wide ribbon around the straws to hide the elastic band.
Note: Find the paper straw wreath tutorial here.
Set up a packaging station. Create a workspace, close to the "cookies to swap", for guests to package their cookies to take home. Offer guests a variety of bags and boxes to choose from and don't forget to include twine, ribbon, tags and a couple of pairs of scissors.
I designed the cookie swap party printables to match our Holly Jolly collection of bags and boxes.
Select packaging materials in colours to match the invitations and packaging station display sign. Give guests a few different options to package their cookies. Keep in mind how many cookies each guest will have to take home.
The party printable kit contains a couple of sticker designs that can be used to transform inexpensive plain boxes and bags into trendy holiday gift containers.
Find the cookie swap party printables here.
FYI - We carry a number of different cake stands, serving dishes and large chalkboards in all three stores that are not listed on our website. All of the products shown in the photos in this post are available in stores but please note that stock availability may be limited on some items at this time of year.
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